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Gift Cards
Selling Gift Cards Through FlexBooker
Selling Gift Cards Through FlexBooker

FlexBooker enables you to sell gift cards from a dedicated web page, embeddable directly on your website.

Nicole Ventic avatar
Written by Nicole Ventic
Updated over a week ago

Users with administrator access to a FlexBooker account can create and configure a dedicated web page allowing customers to purchase gift cards.

*NOTE: Your FlexBooker account must be connected to a payment processor to be able to sell gift cards.

To get started, simply click the "Gift Cards" link under "Setup".

At the top of the screen, there is a link to your unique gift card purchase page:

Below that, find some settings enabling you to configure this page:

What do these settings mean?

Gift Cards are Digital: when checked, this box indicates that gift cards purchased through FlexBooker are redeemable through FlexBooker, as a customer is making an appointment requiring payment. When a gift card is purchased, the recipient will receive an email with a unique gift card code to be entered as they are making an appointment.

Recommended Amounts: On your gift card purchase page, there are serveral large boxes indicating recommended gift card amounts. You can set a price for these amount (for example, sell a $25 gift card for $20).

Allow Purchase Of Other Amounts: Determines whether customers can enter their own gift card amounts to purchase, or are restricted to the recommended amounts you set for them.

Discount Percentage on Other Amounts: What percentage discount should be applied to gift cards for amounts not in your Recommended Amounts.

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